Beach Tennis vs. Other Beach Sports: A Comprehensive Comparison

When the sun is shining and the sand is hot, beach sports offer an exhilarating way to stay active while soaking up the seaside atmosphere. Among these sandy pastimes, beach tennis has been riding a wave of popularity.

But how does it measure up against its shoreline siblings? Let’s dive into an in-depth comparison of beach tennis with volleyball, paddle ball, and other beach activities, highlighting the unique benefits and challenges of this emerging sport.

Beach Tennis: A Quick Overview

Before we jump into comparisons, let’s briefly outline what beach tennis entails:

  • Players: 2-4 (singles or doubles)
  • Equipment: Solid paddles and a depressurized tennis ball
  • Court: 16×8 meters
  • Net Height: 1.7 meters
  • Scoring: Similar to traditional tennis

Now, let’s see how it stacks up against other popular beach sports!

Beach Tennis vs. Beach Volleyball

Beach volleyball, the quintessential beach sport, shares some similarities with beach tennis but differs in key aspects.


  • Sand-based playing surface
  • Team-oriented gameplay
  • Emphasis on hand-eye coordination


AspectBeach TennisBeach Volleyball
EquipmentPaddles and depressurized tennis ballHands and larger, softer volleyball
Court Size16×8 meters (total)16×8 meters (per side)
Net Height1.7 meters2.43m (men), 2.24m (women)
ScoringTennis-style scoringRally scoring to 21 points
Player Contact with BallOnly with paddleDirect contact with hands/arms
Ball BouncesNot allowedNot applicable

Unique Aspects of Beach Tennis

  1. Faster-paced rallies
  2. Combines elements of tennis and volleyball
  3. More upper body involvement due to paddle use

Fun Fact: Beach tennis rallies can reach speeds comparable to traditional tennis, making it an exciting spectator sport!

Beach Tennis vs. Paddle Ball

Paddle ball, also known as beach paddle ball or Frescobol, shares some DNA with beach tennis but has distinct differences.


  • Use of paddles and a ball
  • Played on the beach
  • Emphasis on keeping the ball in play


  1. Competitive Nature:
    • Beach Tennis: More competitive, with defined courts and scoring
    • Paddle Ball: Often played recreationally without set boundaries
  2. Number of Players:
    • Beach Tennis: Typically 2-4 players
    • Paddle Ball: Usually a two-person activity
  3. Ball Type:
    • Beach Tennis: Depressurized tennis ball
    • Paddle Ball: Often uses a rubber ball

Unique Aspects of Beach Tennis

  • Structured gameplay with rules and scoring
  • Potential for tournament play
  • Combines accuracy of paddle sports with the positioning of volleyball

Beach Tennis vs. Beach Soccer

While quite different, comparing beach tennis to beach soccer reveals interesting contrasts and similarities.


  • Played on sand
  • Require good footwork and agility
  • Team-based sports


  1. Physical Contact:
    • Beach Tennis: No physical contact between players
    • Beach Soccer: Involves physical contact and tackling
  2. Primary Skills:
    • Beach Tennis: Hand-eye coordination, upper body strength
    • Beach Soccer: Foot skills, lower body strength
  3. Team Size:
    • Beach Tennis: 2-4 players total
    • Beach Soccer: 5 players per side

Unique Aspects of Beach Tennis

  • Lower impact on the body compared to beach soccer
  • Accessible to a wider range of fitness levels
  • Combines upper body and lower body skills

Comparison with Other Beach Sports

Let’s briefly compare beach tennis to a few other popular beach activities:

  1. Frisbee:
    • Similarity: Both involve hand-eye coordination
    • Difference: Beach tennis offers a more structured game with specific rules and scoring
  2. Beach Handball:
    • Similarity: Both are team sports played on sand
    • Difference: Beach tennis provides a non-contact alternative that focuses more on finesse than physical strength
  3. Surfing:
    • Similarity: Both require balance and coordination
    • Difference: Beach tennis doesn’t require waves and can be played consistently regardless of ocean conditions
  4. Beach Fitness Classes:
    • Similarity: Both provide a full-body workout on sand
    • Difference: Beach tennis offers a competitive element and specific skill development

Unique Benefits of Beach Tennis

  1. Low Barrier to Entry: Easier to learn than many beach sports, making it accessible to all ages and skill levels.
  2. Full-Body Workout: Engages both upper and lower body, improving overall fitness.
  3. Social Interaction: The small court size and team nature foster social interaction and communication.
  4. Sand-Based Benefits: Like other beach sports, it provides the added resistance of sand, boosting calorie burn and lower body strength.
  5. Adaptable Space Requirements: Can be played in smaller beach areas compared to sports like volleyball or soccer.
  6. Year-Round Playability: Can be enjoyed in indoor beach facilities during off-seasons.
  7. Cross-Training Potential: Improves skills applicable to other racquet sports and beach activities.

Challenges of Beach Tennis

  1. Wind Factor: The light ball can be affected by wind, requiring players to adapt their techniques.
  2. Sand Stability: Players must develop good balance and footwork to move efficiently on the unstable surface.
  3. Sun Exposure: Like all beach sports, players need to protect themselves from prolonged sun exposure.
  4. Equipment Care: Sand can be tough on equipment, requiring regular maintenance of paddles and balls.
  5. Availability of Courts: Dedicated beach tennis courts may not be as common as volleyball courts.

Which Sport is Right for You?

Choosing the right beach sport depends on various factors. Consider the following:

  • Physical Preferences: Do you prefer hand skills (beach tennis, volleyball) or foot skills (soccer)?
  • Intensity Level: Are you looking for high-intensity (beach soccer) or moderate intensity (beach tennis)?
  • Social Aspect: Do you prefer team sports (volleyball, soccer) or smaller group activities (beach tennis, paddle ball)?
  • Skill Level: Are you a beginner looking for an accessible sport, or an athlete seeking a new challenge?
  • Equipment: Are you willing to invest in equipment (beach tennis) or prefer sports with minimal gear (volleyball)?

Pro Tip: Try out different beach sports to find the one that best suits your interests and abilities!


Beach tennis offers a unique blend of elements from various beach sports, combining the hand skills of volleyball, the accuracy of paddle sports, and the agility required for sand-based activities. Its structured yet accessible nature makes it an excellent choice for those looking for a fun, competitive beach sport that provides a full-body workout.

Whether you’re a seasoned beach sports enthusiast or a newcomer to sand-based activities, beach tennis presents an exciting option that’s worth trying. Its growing popularity is a testament to its engaging gameplay and the unique benefits it offers compared to other beach sports.

So next time you’re at the beach, why not grab a paddle and give beach tennis a try? You might just discover your new favorite seaside activity!

Ready to hit the sand? Share your favorite beach sport experiences or questions about beach tennis in the comments below!

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